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Athletic Edge Multi Minerals (32 oz)

Eniva HealthSKU: EH8900

Sale price$46.84

Eniva Minerals for Life® Athletic Edge® Multi Minerals is a liquid dietary supplement of the Cell-Ready® minerals calcium, chromium, germanium, magnesium, potassium, selenium, sodium, sulfur and zinc in a proprietary nutrient delivery system.

The unique blend of minerals and electrolytes in Athletic Edge can help your body maintain a proper balance of essential nutrients.

• Maintain constant energy levels*
• Promote enhanced...

Full Description

Energy Vitamin

The unique blend of minerals and electrolytes in Athletic Edge can help your body maintain a proper balance of essential nutrients.

• Maintain constant energy levels*
• Promote enhanced performance*

Redefining Performance Supplements

Eniva Athletic Edge provides a unique blend of minerals and electrolytes to help the body optimize performance and maintain health.* It supplies the bio-availability of essential minerals to help promote peak conditioning, athletic recovery and performance.*

Optimal Physical Performance

The Athletic Edge mineral supplement is designed to help your body meet the challenges of athletic competition and other physical demands in life. Primarily developed for professional and amateur athletes, Athletic Edge can help any person seeking enhanced physical performance, including busy students, parents, business executives, construction workers, police officers, and firefighters.*

How Athletic Edge Works

During intense training or competition, your body loses fluids, resulting in decreased circulating blood volume, lower overall water content of muscle cells, and depleted sugar levels. As fluid losses mount, physical performance declines. In fact, many experts feel that for every 1% of lost fluid, your body's performance declines by 10%.

Anticipating and regularly replacing fluids during exercise is one key to optimal physical performance. In addition, you need to replenish lost minerals and electrolytes when they are washed away with body fluids. Athletic Edge helps you replace these lost substances so that blood volume, pH, and sugar levels are more likely to stay within a range that will allow optimum performance.*

All-Natural Supplement

The natural state of this performance supplement also makes it unique.

• No Fructose or Sugars
• No Artificial Colors or Flavorings
• No Calories or Caffeine
• No Animal By-products or Animal Testing

The Science

Calcium helps prevent cramps brought on by exercise by avoiding lactic acid buildup. It ensures the steady functioning of the cardiovascular system. Calcium also plays a vital role in the transduction of nerve impulses throughout the body.*

Chromium helps regulate sugar levels in the body. It aids in the breakdown and distribution of protein and carbohydrates so the body can use those fuels efficiently. It has also been suggested that chromium can help support muscle function and boost production of the hormone DHEA.*

Germanium has been shown to improve oxygen flow to tissues. This boosts circulation, which improves stamina and endurance. Studies have also indicated antioxidant properties for germanium, which help in the removal of free radicals.*

Magnesium plays a critical role in converting carbohydrates to energy, controlling heartbeat, and activating enzyme systems and muscular contractions. Magnesium is also needed for a cell to make ATP, the molecule that contains the energy of the body.*

Potassium is essential for supporting nerve impulses, maintaining acid-base balance, and converting blood glucose to glycogen (stored carbohydrates that make up the body's priority fuel reserves). It also helps widen the blood vessels during exercise, thereby increasing blood flow to help carry away heat.*

Selenium is an antioxidant for the cells of the body. It plays an important role in regulating the neuromuscular activity of the heart and supporting heart health. It is necessary for proper calcium and vitamin C metabolism, and it helps convert blood sugar into energy. Selenium is one of the main energy boosters in the Athletic Edge formula.*

Sodium is an electrolyte that helps maintain water balance in the body. Due to its electrical charge, sodium passes back and forth between cell membranes, carrying nutrients (such as glucose) in and carrying waste products out. It also plays a key role in regulating blood pressure and heartbeat.*

Sulfur is an essential component of three vitamins: biotin, pantothenic acid, and thiamin. Both thiamin and biotin play an important role in energy metabolism. It is also a part of coenzyme A, contributing to the activation of carboxylic acids and the synthesis of hormones.*

Zinc assists the body in making the 200+ enzymes that require zinc for their production. It also aids in the synthesis of testosterone and other male hormones.*

Solutomic®: An aqueous, submicron form of mineral ions in pure water for enhanced absorption and body use.

The purer the water the more efficiently minerals are activated into their electrically charged ionic state. Eniva uses OHM® water (multi-step purified water) in a unique proprietary process at Eniva's government-inspected manufacturing facility, yielding an advanced aqueous form of copper ions (Solutomic) in sparkling clear solution for quicker absorption than tablets or capsules which must first dissolve in the digestive system before being absorbed.

Aqueous Stabilization™: Eniva's liquid proprietary nutrient stabilization process.

Scientific References: Data on file, Eniva Corporation, 2019.

* This statement has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

Usage Directions

Directions: Adults: Adults: 1 ounce daily (30mL).
Do not exceed 2 ounces daily.
Shake well before using.

Recommendations: May combine with 8 ounces of water or juice.

Storage Directions: Avoid freezing and heat.

Caution: Do not consume if tamper resistant seal is broken/missing. Do not consume if allergic to components found within product. As with all dietary supplements, contact your doctor before use. If taking prescription medications, have an ongoing medical condition, are
pregnant, nursing or under age 18, consult doctor before use. Isolated minerals or nutrients are best taken as part of a well balanced diet and broad supplement program. KEEP CAP TIGHTLY CLOSED. KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN.

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