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Frequency Specific Microcurrent (FSM) Treatment


Frequency Specific Microcurrent therapy (FSM) is a non invasive means of treating various conditions, including chronic pain. The whole treatment will be 1 hour.

Your practitioner may recommend this treatment for off label uses of this device as there have been studies evolving in the literature supporting new uses.

***Please contact us at (714) 864-3730 or 

Full Description

We have found that FSM helps with pain and inflammation reduction, which is a major part of many different conditions.

What is microcurrent? Microcurrent is current in millionths of an ampere. Micro-amperage current is the same kind of current your body produces on its own so you can’t feel the current. Microcurrent has been shown to increase energy production in cells by 500% and numerous papers document its ability to improve healing in wounds and fractures.

What can the frequencies treat? The frequencies appear to change pain, function and even structure in a large number of clinical conditions. FSM is especially good at reducing inflammation, treating nerve, joint and muscle pain and dissolving or softening scar tissue. The frequencies to reduce inflammation have helped thousands of patients with inflammatory conditions such as asthma, liver problems, irritable bowel, cardiovascular disease and diabetic neuropathies. Patients who are treated within four hours of new injuries such as auto accidents and surgeries have reduced pain and great accelerated healing process due to the effects of both the current and the frequencies.

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