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Sale price$509.25

Our Bio-Age Reset protocol is designed to optimally support your body’s detoxification pathways and toxic burden while setting the stage for resilient health. Taken on its own or followed by another Bio-Age module, this multi-product system will empower you with a fresh start.*

This 28-day protocol includes:

  • 2 Boxes – PushCatch® Liver Detox, which includes:2 bottles of Liver Sauce
    2 boxes Ultra Binder®...
Full Description

Detoxification as the First Step in Age Optimization*
A growing body of research indicates that toxin exposures, including heavy metals and pesticides, can disrupt metabolic pathways and compromise antioxidant balance, accelerating biological aging. Actively detoxifying the body provides a solid foundation for future, more advanced longevity therapies.† Push Catch Liver Detox is our signature, 2-step whole-body detoxification system to support gentle, yet thorough removal of toxins from the body. This system includes: Liver Sauce, a nanoformulated blend of nutraceuticals and botanicals that help support bile flow and the Nrf2 biochemical pathway to support detoxification at the cellular level; and Ultra Binder®, a powerful blend of natural binding agents to help catch mobilized toxins in the gut to aid the body’s natural detoxification abilities.*

Support Your Body’s Master Antioxidant*
We’re exposed to an array of toxins daily and overtime, they can take a toll on the body’s natural detoxification processes by depleting levels of glutathione, our internal master antioxidant molecule. When our glutathione is low, we are more susceptible to age-related health issues including metabolic problems and compromised immune function.† Our Glutathione Complex is a liposomal formula that blends glutathione with milk thistle extract and B vitamins to support* glutathione levels and offer advanced detoxification support.*

Deepen Your Detox with A Balanced Internal Terrain*
Microbes, other natural environmental stimuli, and food passing through our digestive tracts can create imbalances within our internal terrain†. Cat’s Claw Elite® is an innovative immune support formula containing the Amazonian herb Cat’s Claw (Uña de Gato), vitamin D, the fatty acid monolaurin, and an array of plant-derived essential oils. This treasured immune product has been added to the Reset protocol to support healthy immune activity to balance our body’s microbial terrain for more productive detoxification.*

Additional product considerations based on individual needs (sold separately):

  • Microb-Manager: Systemic microbial balance and immune regulation support*
  • Artemisinin Emulsion: Localized GI microbial balance and support*
  • D3K2: Vitamin D status and immune support*
  • CBD Synergies-PN: Support for an overactive immune response and associated discomforts*
  • QuintEssential 0.9: Mineral supplement supporting a healthy parasympathetic (rest, digest, repair) response*
Usage Directions

Protocol comes with complete instructions. If pregnant, breastfeeding, or planning to become pregnant, consult your physician before use.

Research Studies
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