Numerous COVID-19 vaccines are being tested around the world, and billions of people will receive a COVID-19 vaccine in hopes of returning some normalcy to their lives and communities.
We aim to help you and your loved ones build resilient immunity through a healthy lifestyle and optimal nutrition.
When our immune systems embody resilience, we have rapid, controlled responses to immune threats and reduce the inflammatory collateral damage to our bodies.
Covid-19 Vaccine 101
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), "Vaccines help develop immunity by imitating an infection.

However, this type of infection rarely causes illness, but it does cause the immune system to produce T-lymphocytes and antibodies.
Afterward, the body is left with a supply of 'memory' T-lymphocytes, as well as B-lymphocytes that will remember how to fight that disease in the future.
Covid -19 Vaccine High Risk Factors
While we might not have specific data related to factors that influence a COVID-19 vaccine for years, responses to other viral vaccines (such as flu) may be valuable in helping forecast demographic factors when it comes to efficacy and adverse effects
In general, vaccines are less effective in older people; unfortunately, they are most vulnerable to COVID-19.
In the well-studied influenza vaccine, age-related declines in immune function and age-related chronic inflammation may be responsible for a lower response in older adults.
Older people may need higher vaccine doses to get adequate responses.
Females tend to have higher antibody responses to influenza vaccination, but they also experience more adverse reactions.
Reactions such as:
- Muscle pain
- Redness at the injection area
- Systemic reactions such as fever
- Chills
- Nausea
- Headaches
- Body aches are more frequent among females
The chronic inflammation associated with obesity has systemic implications for immunity.
A possible explanation in this population is due to inferior T cell function.
Covid -19 Vaccine Lifestyle Risk Factors
Physical wellness
Exercise is vital for cellular activity, which, in turn, helps tissue in your organs to perform to their optimum.
One small study in participants over 62 years showed that those who intensely exercised over 60 minutes per week increased their antibody response to flu vaccine compared to sedentary controls.
Some significant effects of exercise: Reduces inflammation and incidence of autoimmune disease, improves oxygen delivery to your cells and organs and reduces the production of obesity-related hormones.
Emotional wellness
Our bodies release cortisol quickly provide energy, reduce swelling, lower immunity, and increase blood pressure response to stress.
There is some evidence showing that adults or older individuals with chronic psychological stress had lower antibody responses after flu vaccination.
Prolonged stress can create an imbalance that can wreak havoc on your body.
Blood sugar imbalances, poor sleep, bad diet, and leaky gut are a sample of stressors that can create chronic stress.
Sleep has a significant influence on immune function, so it is essential to get plenty of sleep.
Shortened sleep in the week of hepatitis B vaccine lowers antibody responses.
Poor sleep can amplify various conditions such as cardiovascular disease, obesity, respiratory diseases, dental conditions, and chronic pain.
Crucial Factor To Beat Covid-19
Practice good sleep hygiene, ensure cool temperatures, 60-68F, are best for sleep, avoid nicotine close to bedtime, keep a consistent sleep schedule, even on the weekends, and avoid cell phones and other devices before bedtime.
Environmental Wellness
Our bodies are always under attack from environmental toxins.
Toxic particles are in our water, food, and the surrounding air.
As more toxins accumulate over time, it becomes inflammatory and more difficult for the body to detoxify.
In effect, this increases susceptibility to chronic disease, cancer, neurodegenerative diseases, such as Alzheimer’s, coronary heart disease, and respiratory disease.
Detoxification of these chemicals is performed by the kidneys, lungs, skin, liver, and digestive system.
What Supplements I Need to Be Ready For The Covid-19 Vaccine?
Micronutrients Micronutrients
including vitamins, minerals, and trace elements, are critical components for the billions of chemical activities in your body for normal function or homeostasis.
A few examples of these activities that require various micronutrients include digestion, brain activity, liver detoxification, proper immune and thyroid function, and normal neuromusculoskeletal function!
Vitamin A
Extremely helpful in supporting the body’s ability to fight infections, particularly concerning respiratory infections.
Current evidence on vitamin A is equivocal to improving vaccine response and depends on the population's age, sex, the vaccine being tested, and patients' baseline vitamin A levels.

Vitamin C
Helps prevent infections caused by bacteria and viruses.
Shortening the duration of colds and a higher doses of vitamin C during an illness act as a natural antihistamine and anti-inflammatory.
Vitamin D
Regulates and boosts the immune response by up-regulating specific genes and reduces the risk of colds/flus.
Ideal for elderly patients or those with low levels of Vitamin D.
For daily supplementation and maintenance lower dose of D3 offers the best protection.
Several studies have recently shown that vitamin D levels are associated positively with better outcomes of COVID-19 infection in hospitalized patients.
This suggests that it would be prudent to ensure that patients have adequate intake and levels of key vitamins like A and D.
A hormone that plays a key role in regulating the body’s circadian rhythm and aiding healthy sleep patterns.
Another great benefit of Melatonin is that It also maintains normal inflammatory balance.
Zinc is important to innate and acquired immunity that supports natural killer (NK) cells and T-cells' maturation, which are important in response to infections and vaccines.
Low zinc in elderly populations is tied to increased susceptibility, longer illnesses, and increased mortality.
Supplementing 20 mg of Zinc a day in the elderly can restore activity to thymulin, a hormone that matures T cells.
A key nutrient and an antioxidant closely tied to the immune system boost the body's defenses against bacteria, viruses, and cancer cell. Yes, Selenium is an essential supplement.
It may significantly help to protect against certain strains of the flu virus.
Prebiotics and Probiotics
Probiotics contain "good bacteria" that support the gut's health, influence immune system functioning, and help decrease the number of respiratory infections.
The importance of probiotics has long been known, but what about prebiotics? To put it into simple words, prebiotics act as food for probiotics.
Prebiotics are fibrous carbs the human body cannot digest (but certain bacteria in the gut can).
They serve as food for probiotics and include oats, garlic, onions, apple skin, beans, and chicory root.
Much like probiotics, prebiotics encourage healthy digestion.
Prebiotics and probiotics had the largest effects when given before vaccination, and the results increased with the length of time they were supplemented.
Enhancing intestinal immune function through probiotics appears to enhance the production of antigen-specific antibodies in response to vaccination.
A 2018 systematic review found that various strains of probiotics can increase efficacy for 17 different vaccines.
Probiotic administration may also increase the length of time a vaccine is effective.
Covid-19 Prevention Bundle
We have created a Covid-19 Prevention bundle with all the supplements you need to optimize immune system for the introduction of de Covid-19 virus via vaccination.
A Recommendation For Those Taking the Covid-19 Vaccination
A COVID-19 vaccine will not be a “one-size-fits-all” therapy.
Many people will either not be good candidates or choose not to get a vaccine for various reasons.
The evidence presented in this document is explicitly related to factors that may impact vaccine efficacy.
Providers will be aware that there is a much greater body of evidence to support the role of diet, lifestyle, and supplement interventions in enhancing natural immunity.
We have compiled clinically actionable resources related to COVID-19 and supporting immune health.
It's important to reiterate, the interventions discussed in this piece and the resources linked have not been studied to COVID-19 but are intended to inform medical professionals to help their patients navigate this challenging and ever-changing landscape.
We hope to help clinicians and their patients have meaningful, informed discussions to choose options that best fit the individual patient.